Transcriptionist Module

The Transcriptionist Application allows for the betterment of overall documentation of the patient assessment.  This application allows the in-house personnel to focus energy and time into finalizing (not creating) the true assessment.

With a “Look & Feel” of general Window based applications, the DrTAB Transcription Application has an intuitive flow of which doctors, in which locations have outstanding reports that need to be finalized, enhanced or sent on their way for billing.

The DrTAB Transcription application allows the end-user to manipulate the final report that was generated by the physician via the Tablet PC by instant access to the report.  It also allows for the end-user to consider and incorporate audio dictations, video interaction of the patient and high definition photographs of the wound, individual and overall status of the situation. Being able to review this level of documentation is a quantum leap in the reduction of the Revenue Cycle and the level of approved and paid billing codes.

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